Saturday, January 12, 2013

First Post of the Year

New Year’s Eve was spent on the couch… as was New Year’s Day….



So, this is really the first time that I have had the time to write, and the energy, and had things to write about.  I finally got to the studio again to both pick up things to show and to create new.

Where is My Focus?
The last couple months have been bad, good, and everything in-between.  It has been an emotional roller coaster for a variety of reasons and I have also been dealing with some health issues.  I will spare details because this is my art blog, but suffice to say, all of that has put a damper on both my prolific crafting and my ability to design/create.  The ideas are just not there, nor is the ability to concentrate for long periods of time.

I have largely put aside quilting until some of this passes.  On NYE, I played around with polymer clay.  I tried baking some of it, but I was not happy with the results so I am not going to show those items yet.  I think I need to get a proper clay oven, rather than trying to use the toaster oven.  I think hubby will be pleased with that as well.  He was the one who had to clean the oven…

Beading/jewelry work and going to the glass studio have been most of my efforts.  They are both mediums in which I do not need to do a lot of setup or cleanup, and have projects that take shorter bits of time.  The polymer clay was fun to play with, but it takes longer to make things.  In fact, I have a project stored in a plastic container that is only about half done.

So, as a result – lately I have been experimenting.  Some things I have been trying:

  • Combining some of the glass pieces into necklaces (showed last post)
  • Cutting copper foil into shapes and putting in glass
  • Twisting various metal wires into shapes (scrolls) and putting into glass
  • Twisting copper wire both into shapes (in-between glass) and bails (sticking out of the glass) for a combo effect
  • Millifiore jewelry (see here for various millifiore pictures)
  • Doing things with my torch work beads
I think I have written about glass and COE (coefficient of expansion); how there is 90, 96 and 104 glass and you cannot mix them.  The first place that I did studio time at used 90 so I bought a bit of that.  I also bought a lot of economy (read:  cheap and poor quality) 90 from the glass warehouse.  Since that original time, I have determined that I want to use 96 (and 104 for the milliefiori and specialty).  However, I have a larger than useful collection of 90 and want to use some of it up.  To that end, I have just been doing random pieces based more on experimenting with shape, size, placement, etc, than trying to design significant pieces.

The result is some interesting things.  Some of the glass is doing what I think it should, and other pieces are not.  The most interesting part is some glass from the “economy” pile.  I have made a couple pieces in which it’s a single layer with some things put on top of it.  By theory, it should scallop more than it is at the edges.  I think the glass is just so crappy and improperly made that it does not behave as I expect (and as I see in other, better quality, glass).  The edges are not rounding as glass does either.  It is creating some interesting pieces.  One thing that is working as expected is color blending.  I am learning a lot about clear, opaque, semi-transparent, etc., and how the colors behave with each other.  That is all learning that I can carry over to better quality glass.  None of it is a waste.

Metal is a new one on me.  I like multimedia effects but have been a little afraid to try things.  I bought copper foil MONTHS ago, and finally tried it out.  Now I have to think of more things to do with it.  It worked out well (I have showed some pictures here).  I then tried wire.  I twisted copper and steel wire into scrolls and tried them out in a few glass pieces.  The 90 COE was used, and they are in the kiln now.  I hope that they will turn out and I will post them here soon!

Then, today I was looking around the studio a little and saw something else with wire.  The wire was both part of the design and the “bail” for the pieces.  I twisted some copper wire into some fun shapes, and then twisted a loop at the top.  The loop sticks out of the two layers of glass.  We will see how that turns out too!  I am pretty excited.

Since I am in my “experimenting” stage, I am just going to throw a few pictures out there, say a few words on each, and end this post.  I have a couple nice pieces I did, but I do not have pictures yet (I want to take them outside in the sunlight, rather than the crappy indoor winter light). 

Finished Glass and Enamel Pieces
These pictures are pieces that I have already shown, just with do-dads, bails, chains, etc.  Nothing much to say here…. Just look!

A little Touch of Steampunk
This is a piece put together with some charms from Joann’s and a little bit of chain.  Nothing special, but something I hope to use in costuming.

Three pieces to show here.  The first is a long necklace put together with torch work beads I made and some little beads in a neutral color. 

The other two necklaces are made from some beads I got at the Original Sewing and Quilting Expo this fall.  They are made out of paper!

Full Fuse versus Tack Fuse
These are two pieces that are made with almost exactly the same except for the firing.  They are both white base with rounds cut from rods put on top of them.  The first one is a tack fuse – just enough firing to hold it together and smooth out the edges (not rounding them).  Each piece in the arrangement remains intact and separate.  The second one is a full fuse (it also has some stringers in it with the rod slices).  The full fuse totally melts everything together and flattens the pieces to one mass.

Experimenting with 90 COE
This piece is strips of an expensive hand rolled glass (the pink/mauve) next to black strips put on top of a sheet of light/muted yellow.  The two different glasses melted differently and created a ragged edge.  I have thought about grinding the edges and refiring it to “fire polish” it.  My hubby says he likes it this way, so I am going to put it on my table and look at it for a while.

I bought some glass a while back – not quite the “economy” glass.  It is very rough on one side… VERY rough – craters of ¼ inch depth and greater.  I got it in both red and black.  I have shown pieces of it before here in the blog.

This is a small plate made of the red.  I have put clear glass on TOP of the roughness which created a great many bubbles.  I love this effect!

In this piece, I put a black glass beneath the smooth side of the piece.  The top is textured, but smoothed out from the firing. 

These two plates are made with the 90 COE.  The bottom is a single layer of glass and then squares were put on top.  This is what I talked about earlier with the bottom NOT scalloping or rounding as expected.

90 COE Jewelry
These are all pieces with the 90 COE that I will use for jewelry.  The blue and deep purple bases are like the pieces above where the edges did not round nicely.  I need to grind the sharpness out of them a little.  The pictures show that grinding which will be negated when I rub and polish them a little.  I just took the pictures a bit quickly to post today!

Two Pendants

 Necklace “Beads”




More 90 COE Jewelry
These pieces are made with nicer quality 90 COE glass.  I think that each piece is going to be a personal piece for my family or me.

Simple Pendant – This is made of a little scrap of an expensive glass I use in leaf bowls.  I am going to put a bail on and then…?

Dime Heart – What do I mean?  This is a neat piece.  Someone else cut a heart from the center of a dime.  I took the scrap that she left and put it between white and clear glass.  It did some interesting things.  First, it separated out a little, but the interesting bit is that it created a BIG bubble in the center.

The Nice Glass – Pendant Set 1
I bought a really nice piece of mauve/white hand rolled glass.  I am going to show some things with it later, but meanwhile, here are some of the scraps made into jewelry. 

This set is made with odd bits and pieces of 90 COE glass. 

The Nice Glass – Pendant Set 2
This set of pendants was made for gifts.  Each one is made very simply – a base glass covered with the good glass OR the good glass as the base covered with clear.  Some of them are made with fiber paper to create a chain channel, and others will have bails glued on.  I have pulled out a couple individual pictures to show the glass. 

Best for Last!
I made another 8 x 24 panel.  This is made with all 90 COE.  There is one funny thing about it – see that pink in there?  It is not supposed to be pink.  When I put it in, it was clear.  Somewhere in my collection, I have some color changing glass and I do not know which it is!!

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