Friday, November 4, 2011

Quilting is Social

Even an expert can learn new tricks

Ok, calling myself an expert may be a stretch, but I’m going there!  I need something to feel good about…. 

Since becoming an empty nester, and blowing up a friendship, I’ve been on a campaign to be more social.  Not an easy feat for me… I’m not your typical female, I don’t drink, don’t dance, and don’t like sports.  Hobbies – like quilting – is about it.  So, I’ve signed myself up for a variety of classes in things that sound interesting; not necessarily things I need help with.

So, imagine my surprise when I learned a better way to paper piece!  It’s actually probably the standard method, but since I’m mostly self taught, it’s not how I’ve been doing things.  So, a call out to Janell Dahms- guest instructor at Bear Patch Quilt Shop who is guiding me through the Mariner’s Compass pattern. 

Of course I’ll post pictures when I’m done.

Where I’m going to use this new skill

My entry for the MN Quilt guild challenge this year is going to be paper pieced.  I’ve posted a little bit here before (see this post - Piece seven, new challenge) about Ranae Merrill’s Spiral quilts and the center of the test piece I’ve been designing.

The test piece is now done!  (Ok, the top is, and its sandwiched ready for quilting – there will be another post when I decide how to quilt it.  Perhaps if I follow Janell's instructions, the paper piecing will go a bit easier on the real piece.

The pattern uses 16 triangle patterns and 8 octagon patterns from Ranae’s book.  The arrangement and fill in pieces is my own layout.  Click once on the picture to open in a new window, and then click again to make it bigger if you want to see more detail.

I’ve learned a lot in working with her patterns. 
·         Colors need to be closer together to get a color progression
·         Patterns don’t work as well in smaller bits
·         The all solid/same color for sections works well
·         Planning out and coloring in a blank is a good idea
·         Don’t decide on borders until you finish the piece

I’m actually very pleased with the top, even though I know a dozen things I want to fix before I move on to the actual piece for the contest.  It was a lot of work but I feel an incredible sense of satisfaction getting it done.  Now to decide what to do with it!  I think I’ll take some really good pictures and then trade it to a painter/artist friend.   I have way too many pieces already, and I can’t give it a good display home.    My satisfaction is getting it done!

Back to the Social stuff!

Tomorrow I am taking a class in the Professional Tote bag.  This has been another one of my “everything goes wrong and it’s like pulling teeth” quilting stories.

1 – All the classes that I found for the bag were weekdays.  I can justify taking a weekday off for a retreat, but I really can’t for a class.  No go there….

2 – My Quilting group scheduled a Saturday class/work session for the bag.  Yet!  I signed up.  We have our Saturday classes in the church.  A few days before the class, the church bumped us for a funeral… understandable.

3 – They rescheduled the class…. For when I was out of town!  No go again…..

4 – I finally found a Saturday class for the bag!  I found it less than two weeks prior to the class but there was room!

5 – Monday before the class (yes, I procrastinate), I went looking for my pattern…. Could NOT find it….

6 – Called a friend to ask if I could borrow hers.  Now, I’m HUGE on following licensing.  However, since I’ve already bought the pattern, I see now problem using someone else’s.  But…. She didn’t have it…

7 – Called friend #2.  She had it, but had NO idea where.  I called her Wednesday night (remember, I’ve told the quilt shop where I’m taking the class that I have all the prep work done….).  Thursday, she calls me back, she’s searched her house, and gone to her sister’s, found it, and made me a copy.  I ran to her place to get it, got home at 9 pm and started the cutting. 

8 – In starting the prep, I discovered that I really needed a bunch of notions and that I didn’t have enough fusible interfacing.  (At least not heavy enough)

9 – Friday:  I raced through work.  I have extra hours in early, so I convinced my boss to let me leave, with the promise that I would finish the work on Saturday/Sunday (I can dial in from home).  Left and went to Joann’s.  I really don’t like the Roseville Joann’s – long line, dirty store, etc.  However, with my 40% off one item coupon (interfacing) and a 25% off everything, my purchase went from $48 to $34.

10 – I really need to learn to read ahead, pay attention, and follow directions better.  I think I know more than I do.  I’ve made some wrong cuts, and have to use some other fabrics for pieces when I’ve run out of what I planned.  I think I have it organized well – that the makeup fabrics will blend in and look planned (i.e. on pockets, etc.).

So, let’s see what tomorrow brings.  It’s midnight, I’m still up, and due to the meds I take, probably won’t sleep for a couple hours yet.  Hubby has set the alarm for 8:15.  If I leave by 8:30 (everything is packed), I should roll into the shop for the class either right on time or just a few minutes late.  Thank goodness for GPS!

Cross your fingers that I make a friend or two tomorrow.  I could really use some.

More to come…. As always….!!

Closing quip

Having an adult daughter who shares my hobby is so fantastic!  We went to Wal-Mart tonight for a wander around, buy some staples, old married/committed people’s night out.  I found a Fisker’s rotary tool in a zebra print.  I showed Ana, and she seemed to find it as cool as I did.  At $12.97, it was certainly affordable, so I bought one for each of us.  I know she’ll use it, which just makes it so much more fun to buy!  We are quilting twins now!!! (Remember that phrase from grade school?)

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