Friday, June 17, 2011

The Start of Something Great!

It is a Friday night in June.  It is raining.  I'm exhausted after a 55 hour week at work.  Despite all that, I'm making a New Year's resolution (yes, a little late).  My daughter Ana has been after me for a while to start a blog about my quilting.  Today is the day!

Background One – Why

I like to quilt.  More than that, however, I like to be appreciated, to share, to help others and to feel good about it all. 

At work the other day, someone asked me what I wanted in exchange for providing some fantastic help.  What I asked for was an email sent to my management acknowledging my actions.  The person was a little shocked; she was willing to buy me lunch, coffee for week, or anything else!  She was surprised that all I wanted was a simple email. 

Truly, it isn’t that small to me.  The email was a validation to myself that I was valued.  Some people may view my request as wanting to get recognition and make other people know what I did.  It’s not that, really.  I’m insecure in many ways.  I need to know what I’ve done is worth.  I doubt myself and I need to have reassurances from others.

With my quilting, the mere fact that my 23 year old daughter thinks I should write a blog shows me that she sees value in my art.  Her compliments are far more valuable to me than anything else!

Background Two – About My Quilting

I do not have a Style and I do not have a color preference.  On the flip side, I have several styles and several color preferences.  I like to do simple things, and complicated things.  Traditional patterns appeal to me, non-traditional patterns intrigue me and designing my own patterns in important to me.  I like to do small piece, and large pieces are a particular favorite.

So – translation:  I am all over the place.  Basically color and creativity call out to me and I start there.

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