Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Pancakes and Booze

I’ve said this before… I know

“I am going to update this blog more often”

(hangs head in shame)

This time I mean it!


Why?  Why is now different….

I was in an art show a couple days ago.  People really liked my work, I got a lot of compliments, including many from the artists there.  It’s given me new enthusiasm and I want to promote my art more.

So, here goes!

Background Material
Hopefully I have some new readers.  A ways back, I wrote a post about my art and what I like.  You can read chronologically through all my posts to get up to speed, or you can just read this post.

People:  I mention people in here often, I’ve introduced them through the blog, but here’s a primer.
  • Chris – husband and supports my art in spirit and love
  • Perry – my other partner (look up “polyamorous” if you are confused), my greatest fan when it comes to art
  • Ana – oldest daughter and the person who encouraged me years ago to start this blog.  She also quilts and does some other artistic things
  • Elinor – younger daughter who doesn't always get the excitement that I get from fabric, glass, etc., but has a great appreciation for my quilts and I love giving them to her
  • Cassidy – Granddaughter who has quilts and dresses that I've made
  • Brandie – a young woman who I consider my "adopted" daughter
  • Pam – A BFF who quilts with me and indulges my other hobbies as well
The Show
The aforementioned show… the one that has renewed my vow to update this blog, was the “Pancakes and Booze” show. 

It was different than the craft sales that I’ve participated in over most of my adult life (and some of my teenaged years).  The focus was on the artist – painters mostly – who hung things on the wall all around the space.  There were only a couple vendors (what I was), and they seemed to have been chosen for their “not your average craft” sort of art work.  There were free pancakes served all during the show, it was in a bar venue, and the hours were 9 pm – 2 am…. Vastly different from church basement and school gym craft sales!

Me at the table:

Some crowd shots.  See the art on the walls?

Current State


Currently, my focus is on quilting.  I have a nice wicker “trunk” in the dining room that is meant to hold all my sewing and qulting projects.  (note:  I have my fabric “stash” in the basement, but I keep my sewing machine in the dining room.  When we have company, it gets picked up and stashed).  My projects overflowed from that space and I started keeping a lot of them in a cardboard and wire framed box (like the grocery boxes you can buy, but bigger and heavy duty). 

Over the last few years, I’ve tried to empty that box, but I just keep putting things into to it.  Now, with some time off from work, and a desire to get things under control more, I’m making a concentrated effort to work from the box, finishing everything completely and starting NO new projects.

I’m doing well!


I did “cheat” once, but it was for a good cause.  Perry’s niece had a baby.  Babies need a made for them quilt.  I started, and COMPLETELY finished a quilt for him from outside the box.  I actually made two very similar (color scheme variants) and let Perry choose.  I also used the scraps in a table topper – instead of adding bits and pieces to my stash. 

The chosen baby quilt is done and gone, the table topper is in my binding bag (I hand stitch my bindings and save those for watching movies, etc.), and the un chosen baby quilting is getting laid out tomorrow.  When it is done, I’ll post pictures of all three items.

I mentioned laying out tomorrow.  The story is that I have limited space here to lay out.  I have a LOT of space – it’s a big old house – but most of it is small rooms… many small rooms.

Pam lives in an apartment complex and it has a party room.  She’s secured it’s use tomorrow and we are going to lay quilts out there all day!

(definition:  Quilting.  This refers to two things.  It’s both the act of piecing the top (sewing all the pieces together) and it’s the stitching through all layers (backing, batting, top) to hold it together. 

(definition:  laying out a quilt.  The three layers of the quilt must be prepared prior to quilting them together.  Generally, one “lays out” the quilt pieces on a large surface.  I personally lay out on carpet, utilizing the carpet to gently pin down the backing (bottom layer) so it doesn’t move, then the other two layers and pin all together with large safety pins.  Once the “sandwhich” is secured well with pins, it can be rolled or folder and transported and still be viable for quilting activities)

(definition:  binding a quilt.  Sewing a strip of fabric along the entire perimeter edge of a quilt from one side, folding it over the edge and stitching it to the other side to encompass the entire raw edge of the quilt)

I have prepped seven quilts.  I’ll keep you informed of how many I actually get laid out!

An Unexpected Request

First, I have to tell you something about how I create with quilting.  I rarely use patterns.  If I do something that is a traditional block, I often do it from my head.  I do do a lot of paper piecing, which needs paper patterns to follow exactly, but even those usually draw (on computer) and print out my own.  It is not unusual for me to start working on something with just a seed of an idea and make it up as I go.  Sometimes the amount of fabric I have drives design changes.  Every so often, I make a mistake that I have to incorporate into the mix.  I call those “design opportunities” rather than “mistakes”.

I had bought a yard of a fabric that I really liked.  It was in the “work from the box” box.  In early February, five other women and I were heading to a weekend crafting/quilting weekend retreat and I grabbed it as a project.  I went into my stash and picked out about a dozen fabrics that went with it.  I had no plan.

At the retreat, one of the other women was making blocks in a pattern that I hadn’t seen before.  The orginal pattern was made with three colors and had organized patterns.  As I like to do, I altered to encompass more fabrics.

Here’s a quick rundown of the pattern:

  • Sew four fabrics into a four patch

  •  Cut them as in this diagram

  •  Rotate the large pieces and the center piece

  •  Sew them back together

And here is my first block done:

The first step in making the quilt was to cut out squares of the focus fabric and the complementary colors.  One of the other women at the retreat loved the focus fabric.  I had her pick some squares and I made her a little piece with it. 

After the retreat, when I was home with my quilting machine, I quilted it, bound it, and gave it to her for a graduation gift.

Shortly after that, she contacted me and asked about the larger quilt.  Long story short – she’d always wanted a quilt, but hadn’t found one that screamed out her name…. until then.

It’s not quilted yet, but I thought I’d show you the progress:

All the blocks done, arranged on the floor:

Auditioning fabrics for the borders.  First the large outer border, then the small inner border.  The fifth picture is the winner – narrow light purple border, then large dark purple border.

Jude the cat showing his approval

And… a picture of the finished top!

Random Quilt Pictures

(Row by row, left to right)

  • Disappearing Nine Patch:
  • Small piece with embroidered center:
  • Bright table runner:
  • Small table topper, made with scraps from the runner:
  • Paper pieced stars - full view and close-up:
  • Scrap 25-patch blocks. full view and close-up:
  • Table topper with embroidered corners, and a picture from the back of the quilting:
  • My helpers enjoying my bin of batting scraps:


Cassidy wearing some of the dresses I made quite a few years ago:

Here are some pictures of recent beads that I have made.  These pictures show the variety of shapes and sizes I like to make.  They also show that I love all colors!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Time for Art!

Wine, Women and Work (Art Work!)

To pay the bills, I work in a non-art related profession.  I contract but am a full time, salaried employee of my contract firm.

That means that when I’m not on a contract, I’m not panicked generally… I am getting paid (bench time is the term).

I had been contracting at the same place for almost seven years and I really liked the place.  However, it’s been changing, and the last few months haven’t been as pleasant as most other were.  That’s all I’ll say there.

I knew that I was ready for a change when my high level manager told me (professionally, privately and compassionately really), that my contract was being terminated due to an internal change (nothing I did) and all I could think of was that I hoped she’d stop talking soon because I wanted to get to my glass studio time that was pre-scheduled for an hour after she called me aside.

Yes, I have to find a new contract.

But, I’m still employed and I’m actually welcoming the chance to get some projects done!


Hubby and I own timeshare, a points system, and we own a fair bit of it.  Say what you will about it, but it’s served us well and it gives me an ability to organize and host get-togethers with friends who might not otherwise be able to attend such things.

Being timeshare, it also means that we get LARGE rooms – condos – with multiple bedrooms, full kitchens….

….ironing boards (essential to quilting; this will be a point)….

And no daily maid service (that’s actually a positive)

Anyway, why this is important to me and to art (craft). ….

I figured that my first couple of days without an office to go to could be a little disconcerting (more on this later).  I checked the “balance” of points in the system and discovered that I had some that had to be used quickly as our year end is March 31st.  Not using would be a loss.

I’m also really good at finagling the system for the best possible.

We go to the Wildness in the Wisconsin Dells a lot (Glacier Canyon is the actual Wyndham timeshare side, but Wilderness/Dells will show you the property).  Typically, a two bedroom condo is 65,000 points for Friday/Saturday nights.  Since I didn’t have to make it a weekend, I chose Sunday and Monday nights. 

·         Our “VIP Gold” status (told you we had a lot of points there), gives us a 35% discount on points if we book inside of 45 days.

·         Same status also gets us an upgrade to the next size up room, if available.

My points that I had to use just about covered a one bedroom for two weekday nights with the discount (had to take a few from the next use year, but that’s kosher to do).

I then instantly upgraded that one bedroom to a two bedroom.

I “spent” just under 20,000 points for that room!

Reservation in hand, I made some calls….

Ok, I won’t lie…. I didn’t call; it was all over text and/or Facebook IM…..

I’ll spare most of the planning details – the trucks and minivans belonging to my companions weren’t long distance road worthy, our big truck doesn’t have a good backseat and the mileage sucks (it’s for car hauling really), and the trunk on my commuter car just wouldn’t suffice.  Through some negotiations and promises of “alternative payment” (got with that however you want!), the decision was made to trade with my OSO Perry for his Jeep Cherokee, stuff four women and enough sewing machines, fabric, beads and food to occupy us and head off. 

The deciding factor on vehicle was that he has a cargo net….

It was used…..

Here’s what that looked like:

My Projects

I brought my sewing machines and several projects.  I actually finished the main thing I intended to and a couple other things!

·         My entry for the MN Quilter’s show challenge.  I will not be showing any pictures of that yet.  I finished the top and now have to lay it out.
·         A runner kit that I bought at a Nancy’s Notions show a few years back.  It’s traveled to several retreats with me and never got touched…. So, high time!

See the pink in the picture? It’s actually supposed to be a pinkish red.  I don’t know where my head was, but I totally horked up cutting the fabric for that.  I dug around in the project bags that I had and came up with the pink… it fit in pretty well.  I think it made the runner brighter.  I tempered that with the brown binding.  That also was my own fabric.  I don’t remember if the kit had binding fabric (probably was supposed to be of the red that I totally massacred with a rotary tool)

The fabrics for the kit were pretty accurate in amounts and nice fabrics…. Except for the backing.  It’s a very thin muslin.  Beige… nothing exciting and, as I said, thin.  It baffled me…. Nancy’s notions is a good quality place, and everything else in the kit was good quality.  While the muslin wasn’t scratchy, stiff or overly sized, it just wasn’t what I expected.

I quilted it with orange thread.  Not sure what you can see in the photo of that, but I think it pulls it in nicely.

·         Table topper of scraps of the above.  No picture yet…. Next blog entry because it’s almost quilted.  Basically, I took some scraps from the above project, made a small block, then bordered it with an orange (same fabric family as the brown actually – quilting classic or something from Connecting Threads) to make it a good size for a small table topper.

·         25 patch 

I've been making a lot with batiks in green/purple/pink and related blends lately (couple years) and had a lot of small bits, especially 2 ½ -inch strips from a couple projects.  I hate to waste, and usually trim all my leftovers like that to uniform widths and roll them onto existing rolls.  I have 1 ½, 2, 2 ½ inch, etc, rolls in blues, greens, etc.  However, these were batiks, nicer, and I wanted to make them stand out a little. 

I've been compiling them into strips of 5 – 2 ½ inch squares and setting them aside.  I counted them up and made 16 blocks – 5 rows of 5 of them, so thus a 25-patch block.  I then dug around in the fabrics I brought (just a few!) and sashed them.  Originally, I thought that would be it, but when I laid the “finished” product out, I wasn't happy… I think it needs more.

And, then, when cleaning up to head home…. Found some more of the strips of 5 – 2 ½ inch blocks…

Not enough for another whole row….

But too many to discard….

Ok, maybe some people could discard them….

I can’t….

So, I set them aside, and I’m going to see if I can find enough same/similar/complementing scraps to indeed add another row. 

The quilt is four rows of four blocks right now.  Each block is about 9 inches, and the sashing is 3 inches IIRC.  That makes a decent sized lap / crib quilt; another row would fit well.

·         Pink stars.  No picture again…

I made 24 paper pieced blocks with pink and green batiks and a white batik background. 

I’m working on sashing them with black.

That combo could be awful…. Or awesome….

I’m currently leaning towards awesome!  I’m doing something neat with the sashing and it’s quite a dramatic look to the whole piece.

The Players

I name people in this blog.  I’m not giving away secrets or outing anyone for anything, but I am keeping it to first names.  You know who you are. 

Pam came with and brought beading – polymer clay beads.  She also brought grown up coloring and has the most awesome collection of pens!

Anna came with and brought crocheting.  She’s starting up an etsy store and making some very precise little things with #10 crochet cotton.

Judi came with and also brought quilting….
I am not alone!

She worked on a “stack and whack” and I stole (ok, she gave it to me) a good sized piece of the fabric to make something.  She used a black backgrounded fabric with yellow leaves, red grapes and some greenery.  It strikes me as a Perry color combination and I may try to make something out of it for him….. as if he doesn’t have enough of my stuff crowding into his space already!

And, here's what it looks like when women get together and produce fantastic art/craft work....


I’ve spoken often here of friendships and problems I have with people.  It’s hard for me, and this past 18 months has been some of the worst in my life.  I’ve felt more “Aspie” than I ever have before, shed more tears, and experienced more frustration with relationships than I have for a long, long time.  I’ve walked away from a couple friendships, been estranged (and still am) from my daughter Ana, and have experienced some deep depressions.

In all of that, I’ve also discovered myself in a way I never have. 

I’ve also started “real” friendships with people – especially women.  New friendships and converted existing acquaintanceships to friendship.

Besides being temporarily unemployed as I headed into the weekend, I was also ambulatory challenged.  I wracked up my leg skiing (did NOT break or tear anything though!).

This wonderful group of women took care of me.  They brought the food, they fixed the meals (ok, I ordered the pizza one night!), carried things, supported me, etc. 

They also seemed to all like me.

That still amazes me.

I got compliments…. On my sewing, on my packing abilities, on other things….

I got teased – in a friendly, amusing way – for things that I should be teased for….

I got thanks… and appreciation….

I needed all that.

Thank you.

Wrap Up

Going back to my “resolutions” theme started last entry.

I’m going to write more – soon to come will be pictures of the aforementioned projects.

I’m also going to get a LOT of projects done during my employment search (and after too!).

Today was a productive day:

·         I quilted, attached the binding to, and hand-stitched the binding down on the runner shown above.
·         I attached the binding to, and hand stitched it complete on this topper:

·         Anna came over and we dyed fabric, yard and some clothing blanks from Dharma Trading.  Hopefully I will have some good pictures of those soon!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Blog Re-launch

(Raises right hand) “I do solemnly swear to uphold my New Year’s Resolutions that I am making now….



I do realize that both New Years and Groundhog’s day have been left in the dust…. (And president’s day, MLK, Valentines, Elvis’s birthday…..)

However, a myriad of things have happened lately, some big, some small, but collectively they have told me that it is time to take charge of my life in some ways, relinquish control in others, and just generally to make some changes.

My Quilting/Art/Craft blog isn’t the place to dive deeply into life changing revelations and psychological analysis, so I’ll limit this to “I’m going to write in my blog two or more times a month”.

Men and Art

Brandie and I consider ourselves artists.  She’s a “true” artist in my book.  She can draw and paint things that look like the subject she started with.  Her command of “organic” art is amazing; my art is geometric, logical and mathematical.  I can claim color sense and thus feel I can label myself an artist.  One other thing we share is that we have male partners who admire what we do and are willing to throw their efforts into the mix.

Brandie, Matt (Brandie’s hubby), Chris (hubby) and I went to our timeshare in the Wisconsin Dells (water park resort with a TON of amenities; it’s really a cool complex) in January.  Brandie suggested that we partake of the paint your own pottery establishment inside the complex.  The results were awesome!

Here are our brave menfolk deep in glaze.  Note:  Chris will actually use the coffee mug that he’s crafting! 

Here are the finished products: 
·         The round box and lid is mine.  I have a dots thing
·         The plate in the back is done with a bubble technique that involves glaze, dish soap and a straw.  Also mine
·         The gecko and shark are Matts
·         The mug with the critter (another gecko) hanging on it are Brandie’s.  She also did the bubble technique on the critter.  It’s cool but hard to see in the pix
·         The green medallion in the middle is mine…. Dots again!
·         The blue mug is Chris’s.  The picture doesn't do the layers of color justice
·         The other two medallions are Matt and Brandie’s; I don’t remember who did which ones

And here’s a self-serving photo of just my pieces….

My kiln is capable of firing painted pottery like this.  We find the paint your own places to be expensive, but we enjoy it.  I’m currently trying to start up a mini “Co-op” for doing it here.  If you are interested, either see my Facebook post on it or talk to me.

Never Too Early

I love art ….

Obviously….. Duh…

In early February, I went and visited my lovely daughter Elinor, and her chip off the ol’ block, Cassidy.  One of Cassidy’s birthday presents was a play dough set.  For some reason, she associates that with me…. Wonder why..... LOL

So, the play dough was brought out, and sculpting ensued. 

Cassidy hard at work

My creation…. (Note:  I told you that I am NOT an organic artist)

A couple days after this, I was sitting on the couch working on my laptop and Cassidy once again dragged out the play dough.  As I was actually doing work work on the laptop, she sat beside me and worked fairly independently.  After a little while, I noticed she was chewing on something…. The following conversation occurred (note:  she calls me “Manga”)

Manga:  <imagine a bit of scolding/accusing/firm tone>  “Are you eating your play dough?!”

Cassidy:  <Said with that indignity that only a two year old can pull off, and a bit of a “duh” attitude> “NO”

Manga:  “What are you eating”

Cassidy:  “Chip” (she doesn't form full sentences most of the time)

Manga:  <as I look around> “Where did you get chips?”

Cassidy:  <Doesn't speak, points into the couch cushions>


Breezy Point Retreat

Valentine’s weekend saw me at a remote cabin in the woods with some of my closest female friends.

Imagine a log cabin, blanketed by snow, smoke from the chimney, pine trees heavy with snow, no one for miles and miles……


OK, so it was really a luxury condo in a large group of condos in a beautiful and well equipped resort.  We had two Jacuzzi tubs, granite counter tops, gas fireplaces, etc…..

The Setting

The fact that it was Valentine’s weekend was simply a coincidence.  It worked out that we could get a reservation at that time…. However, I’ll admit that it was easier being there then trying to decide which of my partners got me for what on the “Holiday”.  While I’m a girly girl who likes dressing up and meals out, and while I enjoy celebrating events and achievements with my friends and family, I’m really don’t get a lot of holidays and find some traditions more obligating that enjoyable.  To that point… Valentine’s Day:

 ·         I have very romantic partners who provide romance frequently; they don’t need a day to tell them what to do
·         I don’t like eating by candlelight (can’t see the food)
·         I don’t want jewelry gifts – I make what I want, and find store prices and/or quality to be laughable at times
·         I don’t like chocolate
·         I’m a reactive hypoglycemic and don’t go overboard on sweets (I’d be sick)
·         We frequently have flowers in the house anyway

The Players
So, instead of feeling like I had to play by a set of traditions, I spent the day, and weekend, with five other women, talking, sewing and bonding.  There’s been a lot of turmoil in my life as of late, and I’m working through some things.  I want to shout out to the five women who joined me that day and thank them for being in my life.

·         Cathy – my oldest friend currently in my life.  She’s my fan and solid supporter.  I trust her with my heart and mind and am grateful she’s in my corner.  I also hope someday she can teach me some garment making skills beyond what I currently have.  She knows more of my history and relationships than anyone else and still hangs around me!
·         Pam – the woman who I've been closest and most open with ever in my life.  She’s my third partner, but not a romantic partner.  I tell her things that I can’t believe I even say out loud, and get advice and camaraderie that I never got from a mother, sister or BFF.  If the men ever knew the intimacies of our conversations, they would blush!  Added bonus, she also does most of the same arts/crafts that I do.
·         Anna – Cathy’s daughter and my “niece” by informal adoption.  Anna is a quilter/crafter like me and like my older daughter, Ana (who encouraged me to start this blog originally BTW). There are ongoing relationship issues between Ana and me.  I miss her deeply and hope that someday those will work out.  Anna fills part of that gap as she sees me in the “parent generation” role and allows me to feel emotion and even craft mentorship to her that I currently cannot with my own daughter.
·         Judi – a long term acquaintance from my quilt group who I feel really moved into “dear friend” category after the weekend.  Over the years in quilt group, Judi has paid me great compliments in asking for my advice and help on projects.  I treasured that for years.  However, this weekend, she showed me how much she cares about me as a person and that hit deep in my heart.  I hope to explore that more.
·         Theresa – my newest BFF.  I've known her a couple years, but only now are we spending time together and finding common ground.  She’s a great cook, and insightful as all get out, and I only see good things for our future. 

The Accomplishments 

We didn't just talk, do our nails and sit in the Jacuzzis…. Art was created!

I haven’t done much sewing lately.  In preparation for this “retreat”, I culled through my project box and started finishing things up.  (Note:  “finish” can also mean taking a pile of fabrics that I set aside for an idea).

Prior to actually leaving, I tried to knock off a few things; get a couple “quick wins” to get me in the mood. 

One thing that I've sat on way to long is a quilt top that Anna asked me to quilt.  Here’s a small view of the quilting.  The quilt is a large panel surrounded by square in square blocks.  The panel is a stylized Christmas tree and I didn't want to lose that with a stipple over the top of it all, so I did some “outlining” of things.

Next, I finished assembling a couple quilt tops that I found in my box. (Disclaimer – they were all pretty close to done already!)

This one was actually started at another Breezy Point retreat.  I made square in square blocks with green and purple batiks, cut each finished square diagonally, then re-sewed them to squares.

I did several batik quilts that used part of a “layer cake” (ten inch squares) of beige based batiks.  I took the remainders, cut them twice into five-inch squares and bordered them with purples and greens from a couple different quilt projects (including leftovers from the above quilt).

This was also done from a layer cake. Each square was different.  I used a patter called the “tossed nine patch” aka “disappearing nine patch”.  I was one or two fabrics short of having enough to do this and grabbed a couple from my stash.  They fit nicely; I don’t even remember which they were!

This was actually completely assembled (top) as I pulled it out of the box.  It’s smaller, and I had been debating leaving it at a crib/lap sized, or bordering it to something larger.  The question was “is it finished or does it need more”.  I took it to the weekend, laid it out, and asked people the same question.  Decision was:  “It’s done”.

This is another one done with leftovers from several quilts.  I had a couple blocks (the pinwheels) done from one quilt.  I hate wasting things!  I took them, and strips from something else, and stash fabrics and made these blocks.  I finished the assembling at Breezy Point and laid it out for a picture and a look see.

Now we are into the new construction.

I bought the swirly fabric – a yard of it – somewhere along the way and I wanted to make something with it that preserved the swirls.  This meant I needed to use larger pieces of it. 

Theresa also loved the fabric and so I had her “design” a small piece that I’m going to give her.  I decided on 8 inch blocks of the fabric.  My plan was to use bold fabrics in either solid colors, marbled, or very small prints to pull out the bright colors in the focus fabric.  Theresa actually went the other way and used very muted fabrics that I’d also brought along. 

I hadn't decided on any pattern for my use of the fabric.  My hope was to somehow get inspiration at the retreat. 

I got it…..

Judi brought along the blocks she was working on.  It was a pattern/technique that I’d never done before.  If I knew what it was called, I would tell you….

I must ask her about that….

I cut the rest of the focus fabric into 8 inch blocks, counted them, then pulled out my brights and started cutting more 8 inch blocks.  I cut one 8 inch strip off each fabric, cross cut it into squares and then counted.  I determined how close I was to a block layout (how many in each row by how many rows) and cut out a few more to make it to that number. 

That’s as planned and scientific as it got!

I used Judi's technique and made this block as a “test”

I sent a picture of it to Perry and he didn't know what to make of it….

“Why is there just one patterned block?  It doesn't make sense”…..

His “Aha” moment came after I made 20 blocks and laid them out.

Now, here’s the funniest part….!

Theresa is not a quilter, and obviously hasn't been to a quilting retreat.  I explained to her the established procedure that quilters in a group setting do with a quilt like this; a quilt made of blocks that don’t have an established order, that have some sort of difference, but are interchangeable as far as size, etc., goes. 

The quilter takes the blocks and lays them out in the row pattern randomly.  All the other quilters are allowed to move the blocks around into what they think the layout should be.  This may take an hour, or a day. 

It’s great fun.  Each person has an opinion.

Theresa learned quickly.  She initially said that there was just ONE move that needed to happen; that two blocks were saturating an area with one color.  She moved them, and then the light bulb went off… “Oh no, that creates another issue”….

I think she spent at least an hour over the next day staring at it and moving things!

Welcome to quilting, Theresa!

The last project I started at the retreat was based on a book: “Bargello with a Twist”, and centered around this example in the book:

Here are the blocks I completed at Breezy Point:  I laid them out at home to get an idea.

By the end of the evening, I had filled in a few things:

I then went to bed...

Remember, I have cats……

They love my fabric…..

This is the view of the same pieces in the morning.

And, now….

I haven’t decided what to do next.  Its lap sized now.  The suggestions I've received are to add a narrow orange boarder and then a thick black border.

My non quilting, gamer friend also have compared this to Mine Craft and/or Zelda. 

Bonus points if you see that too!

Nature's Art and More
Perry and I spent last weekend up on the North Shore at my family’s cabin.  Saturday was a great skiing day and we enjoyed ourselves at Lutsen.  However, on Sunday, the temperatures dived into the sub zeros and the wind whipped it to a -41 wind chill.  Skiing did not take place that day.
As I've mentioned previously, I've been going through a lot of emotional turmoil.  Due to a few factors, I slipped into a bit of a depression and Perry was determined to cheer me up.  Grand Marais has quite the artist colony, it’s a half hour drive from the cabin, and he found out that there was an art quilt exhibit there that weekend. 

“Fortuitous” was his thought and he excitedly share that with me.

It’s was a small exhibit, but really cool and there were other things at the venue as well (glass art, pottery, etc.).

I think I could make something like this with my many batik scraps (and bonus points for the Monet look of it all):

Moving on (and back to Tofte area), another thing that fascinated me was the ice on the lake.  Perry scanned the shore along Highway 61 until he found somewhere that we could walk out onto the ice.

A view of the ice

A view of a small ice “cave” created by the frozen waters

As I've mentioned in this blog before, I do a couple things in the glass art world.  One is fusing, the other is torch work (making beads from glass rods over a HOT flame). 
My first picture here is a combination. 



Beads break.  Sometimes while working on them, sometimes while annealing in the kiln, and sometimes because we drop them. 

Some people throw them away, others scrub the bread release (a clay that we coat the mandrals with so the glass doesn't stick; usually it winds up inside the bead hole) off and reuse the glass….  I decided to get creative.  I took a whole bunch of my broken beads and arranged them on some clear plate glass.  I’m going to call the finished piece “Mary’s Mistakes”.  Here is a pre-fired picture of it.

Sharing The Hobby
I took Matt, Brandie and Perry to a class at the studio that I spend time at. Then, Perry accompanied me to an “Open Torch” session and tried his hand at beads.  He’s got the concepts down, and just needs to practice.  I’m actually quite jealous of his ability to manage shapes other than round so quickly!  (Although, I’m secretly glad that his longer beads were worked too much and won’t come off/break off the mandrals; I can have him stealing my thunder so quickly!)

Here are the beads he did prior to taking them off the mandrals.  As you can see, there was some kiln breakage.

Here are the completed, removed beads that stayed intact…. WAY better than my first bead attempt!

Tooting My Own Horn
And then here are my beads.  I favor large beads; I also like the “bi-cone” shape, and dots…..

Always dots….

I even wear a lot of polka dots!

One batch straight from the kiln.  One thing I want to point out.  I decided that I wanted to try a particular color of pink – deeper rose, marbled – but didn't have any.  Pink glass is EXPENSIVE.  Red/pink is the most difficult to produce and that drives up cost. 

However, I had some sheet glass in the color scheme I wanted, so I brought some scraps to the studio and played with it.  Because it was sheet glass, and a different COE than Italian soft glass (bead glass), I couldn't mix it with other colors.

Look at the two round beads on a single mandral in the middle/right of the picture (under a green bead).  That’s the glass when I simply melted it and formed simple beads.

Now, look at the grayish bead that’s about dead center/top of the picture (left and up from the bead with two large silver dots on it).  That’s the SAME glass!  It got cloudy and darkened with more heat.

Another batch (poor picture).  The two barrel shaped pink beads are also that same glass – less work, keeps the color.

And here are some off the mandrals….dots, dots, and more dots!

Fire Paper

When you fuse glass in a kiln, it will stick to the “shelf” in the kiln.  To stop this from happening, you need to either use coats of “kiln wash” on the kiln, or put down “fire paper”.  The fiber paper is much easier, but it is single use.  This is similar to the bead release that we coat mandral with when making beads. 

I have a roll of fire paper.  One Saturday I decided to fire something (note:  I’m still figuring out how to use the kiln and have only done a few things).  I worked on the piece, got it all ready and could NOT find my kiln paper.  I looked all around my work room and then at the clock.

The glass supply store closes at 3 on Saturdays, is not open Sundays, on only open until five on weekdays. Since I would 25 miles from it, and a normal business day, this wasn't good.
I went racing up there, ran in the door five minutes until close….

The woman working the counter all but glared at me….

Everyone HATES customers who swing in at closing time!

I assured her I needed one thing and that I would be quick.

I was......

Got home with the paper and heading to the kiln with my piece…..

(Note:  The kiln is in a different room than my work room due to power and space issues)

Sitting on top of the kiln was my role of fire paper…..


And I shall end my discussions for the day at that point!

Happy crafting to all!